Jan 23, 2016

checklistMost drivers do everything they possibly can to avoid a car accident, but statistically – most drivers will find themselves involved in a car accident at some point in time. Not only are car accidents inconvenient but they can cause expensive damages to your vehicle, possible traffic tickets, injuries, and liability issues. If you are involved in a car accident, there are several things you should never do – including the following:

Drive away from the accident: even if there are no damages involved in the car accident, you must never just drive away from the scene. You have to check on any other drivers and people involved, exchange car insurance information, and even report minor fender benders to law enforcement. Not doing these things is considered a crime.


Skip calling the police: even if no one was hurt in the car accident and you and any other drivers involved have decided it’s a minor incident that doesn’t need to be reported – you must call the police after a car accident. You can’t be sure the other drivers have up to date insurance coverage. You can’t be sure the other driver doesn’t have active arrest warrants. You can’t be sure the other parties involved in the accident won’t go to the hospital later with injuries they say come from the accident. Always get a police report documenting the car accident as protection for yourself.


Blame the other driver or admit fault: never yell at the other driver(s) and blame them for the accident even if it was their fault.  Keep calm and ask them if they are alright instead of getting angry that they caused a car accident – even if it was their fault.  Also, never admit that you did anything wrong after a car accident as this is the same as legally admitting liability for the accident which could result in law suits and other penalties.