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Mar 2, 2015

Ice has been a huge problem this year. We get rain and snow, accompanied by arctic air. The plunging mercury contributes to dangerous accidents and car trouble, but you can take steps to ease your pain. Whitehall area Toyota discusses common ice complaints in the winter.


Frozen Car

Talk about one of the most frustrating problems during winter. You are likely to discover your car-icicle when you are headed off to work or to take the kids to school. If your car is frozen solid, consider a few remedies for thawing out.

  • If your lock is frozen, try pushing a straw into the keyhole. Blow into the end of the straw to direct warm air to the frozen mechanism.
  • Make sure all of your lights and accessories are off before starting your car. Once the car is on, turn on both the front and rear defrosters, and the headlights melt the ice on the glass and lamp lenses.
  • An issue you may come across is a frozen battery. If your car’s battery is frozen, remove it from the engine compartment and take it inside or into a warm garage so it can thaw out. If the car has a block heater, plug the car in for two or three hours.
  • If all the doors are frozen shut, try gaining access through the trunk or back hatch. You may be able to use your ice scraper to chip away the ice around the seals.
  • You may be able to pour warm water on the door handle and around the door to melt the ice. Do not allow the warm water to touch the glass. NEVER use boiling water on your car.


Frozen Roads

Icy roads are extremely dangerous. Before freezing weather strikes, make sure your tires are in good shape, your car in up to date on service, and the gas tank is full. Never hit the road without wearing your seatbelt. Now, for the icy roads, keep this in mind:

  • If you can, stay off the roads until the weather improves. Pay close attention to the weather.
  • Reduce you speed so that you can maintain control and you can stop. When you are driving, take it easy on the gas and the brake.
  • If your car begins to slide, turn into the direction that the back of the car sliding.


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