Jun 29, 2015

Rest areas are a staple along US highways and are life savers when you need to stretch your legs, use the restroom or grab a snack. Unfortunately crimes like theft, car-jacking, drug dealing and more have taken place in these areas, causing many people to worry when they are making a pit stop. Allentown Toyota has tips for choosing a safe rest stop so you don’t encounter any dangerous situations on the road.

Be Alert

When you pull into a rest stop, be aware of your surroundings. Make a mental note of the name of the stop, or maybe the nearest mile marker. This way if an emergency arises, you can tell your location to the police. Stay away from people who look like they’re lingering around the bathrooms and parking lots, because they may be looking to rob someone or worse. Never park next to a big truck, because they can block your view of the parking lot. Safe rest areas will be designed in a rectangle shape with hardly any walls or shrubbery that people can hide behind.

Go to the Light

When areas are well-lit, it can be a major deterrent for criminals. Not only should the building be well-lit, but the parking lot as well. When it is night time, stay away from the outskirts of the area, like woods, picnic tables or trails. This is where a lot of illegal activity takes place.

Choose a Busy Place

Rest stop crimes often take place after dark, especially if it is empty and desolate. If you are traveling in the evening, especially alone, and need to stop, choose a buy place. Look for stops that have a fast-food restaurant inside that is well-staffed.